Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Mesothelioma and Asbestos Related Lung Cancer - The Four Biggest Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

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Expert Author Jerry Minchey
The Internet is full of advice, facts and sometimes even misinformation about Mesothelioma and asbestos related cancer. Here are the important facts in a nutshell and the four mistakes you should avoid if there is any chance that you or a family member has ever been exposed to asbestos in any form.
#1. The first big mistake people make when dealing with Mesothelioma and asbestos related lung cancer is that they don't take the time to learn the risk factors.
If you have worked around asbestos or asbestos dust, you could be at risk. People who have worked in shipyards, asbestos mines and mills or worked for companies who produce asbestos products or worked in the heating and construction industries are at increased risk.
Longer exposure or heavy exposure greatly increases the risk, but there are many cases where asbestos related cancer has developed in people who have only had brief exposure to asbestos. There is also a risk that family members and others living with asbestos workers could develop mesothelioma. This risk may be because asbestos dust was brought home on the workers clothes. Keep in mind that it could take up to 20 or 30 years or longer after asbestos exposure for mesothelioma symptoms to appear.
Bottom line: The number one mistake people who have been exposed to asbestos make is that they wait too long to find out if they have any symptoms of mesothelioma. If there is any chance that you may have been exposed to asbestos (even many years ago), you need to seek immediate medical attention because the earlier Mesothelioma can be detected the more treatment options you have. Don't wait until it is too late for effective medical treatment that could extend your life and improve the quality of your life.
#2. The second big mistake people make is that they wait too long after being diagnosed to seek legal help.
You only have a short amount of time after being diagnosed with Mesothelioma to file a claim. A few states allow you two or three years to file a lawsuit, but some states only allow you one year to file your claim. Don't let an asbestos company lawyer string you along until it is too late for you to file your claim. If you go over the limit by even one day, you could risk losing thousands (and maybe even millions of dollars) in settlements for you and your family. If you have any symptoms of mesothelioma, immediately seek out a good attorney who specializes in asbestos related cancer cases.
#3. The third mistake is to seek treatment from a doctor who is not experienced in treating Mesothelioma cases.
The length and quality of your life is at stake. Don't delay getting treated by a doctor who is up on the latest Mesothelioma treatment techniques.
#4. Finally, the most common mistake Mesothelioma patients and their families make is not seeking an attorney who specializes in Mesothelioma and asbestos cancer cases.
Just like you need a doctor who specializes in the treatment of Mesothelioma and asbestos related cancers, you also need a lawyer who specializes in Mesothelioma and asbestos cases. Take steps now to protect yourself if there is any chance that you or a family member has ever been exposed to asbestos in any form.
Permission is hereby granted to reprint this article as long as proper credit is given including the information and links shown below.
Jerry Minchey is an engineer, author and researcher. He cuts through the hype and gets down to the bare facts to reveal secrets that are easy to understand using non-technical terms. He has written several books and produced DVDs as a results of his research.
You can get information on the latest up-to-date treatment methods for Mesothelioma at the Asbestos Mesothelioma Cancer [http://www.AsbestosLung.org] Center site.
At the Mesothelioma Law Firms [http://www.MesotheliomaLawFirm.biz] site you will find information about lawyers who specialize in Asbestos and Mesothelioma cases and you can find information about the attorneys who are getting the largest and fastest cash settlements.

The Definition of Asbestos and Important Facts About Asbestos

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The definition of "asbestos" is inextinguishable. The term asbestos is a borrowed Greek adjective meaning inextinguishable. The Greeks named asbestos the miracle mineral because of its soft and pliant properties, as well as its aptitude to resist heat.
To assist your comprehension concerning the definition, asbestos is made up of a group of minerals. The minerals in asbestos have long and thin fibrous crystals. Your naked eye is not able to witness all of the asbestos and can simply be inhaled causing serious disease. If you suffer inhaled asbestos it will plunge deep into your lungs. Your lung's linings will be eaten away by the asbestos causing trouble in breathing and lethal cancer. If you are diagnosed by a doctor with Asbestosis or Mesothelioma, it is not curable.
Asbestos became more and more well-liked among manufacturers and builders in the late 19th century because of its resistance to heat, electrical and chemical damage, sound absorption and also tensile strength. When asbestos is employed for its resistance to heat, the fibers are frequently mixed with cement or woven into fabric or mats.
The United States Department of Health and Human Services has established that asbestos is a known carcinogen. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) calculates approximately that there are asbestos containing materials in most of the nation's 107,000 schools and over 733,000 public and commercials buildings.
The best protecting means to prevent asbestos particle inhalation is to stay away from places like factories and construction sites. Individuals who work at these locations should protect their faces with masks to reduce asbestos inhalation. Regular visits to your doctor are always helpful to take care of your health.
If you have found there is asbestos in your home it is important that you without delay have the asbestos removed. Asbestos is very hazardous to you, your family and your pets.
If you want to get some excellent resources on ASBESTOS, please visit my site on All about Asbestos [http://www.1st-in-asbestos.blogspot.com/] or Asbestos Definition [http://1st-in-asbestos.blogspot.com/2009/08/definition-of-asbestos-and-important.html].

Mesothelioma and the Encouragement For an Asbestos Ban

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Why asbestos ban is considered necessary? The organs of the body have an external layer named mesothelium lining. When this lining comes in touch with the asbestos fibers or the asbestos dust, it reacts unfavorably. It begins dividing quickly. In addition, the life span of the mesothelium cells expands. This leads to tumors in the body and this state is named mesothelioma. Mesothelioma means 'Death'.
There is no known cure for this terrible disease and the merely step that can be taken to control the extent of this disease is to inflict a total ban on the mining, manufacture and application of asbestos globally. Mesothelioma is kind of lung cancer that is aggressive naturally and almost, always results from exposure to asbestos. Presently there is a continuing epidemic of this disease in the US and it is not demonstrating any signs of slowing down. The main cause of the Mesothelioma problem is inattention on the part of asbestos manufactures since the1970's who did not keep their employees from the hazards of asbestos.
There presently is no cure for Mesothelioma thus why on earth is asbestos still legal. It should have been banned as soon as the connection was made between asbestos and cancer. Instead there are a rising number of companies who remain to work with asbestos despite the millions of dollars over 6,000 companies have now had to pay out in compensation to Mesothelioma asbestos cancer victims.
Since the powers that be seem in no hurry to ban asbestos, the solution for those readers who feel they may be exposed to asbestos is to find legal advice right away. It is best to obtain specialist mesothelioma legal assistance, as even if you don't have cancer there are a number of people who have been overly exposed that have wanted legal compensation.
If you want to get some excellent resources on ASBESTOS, please visit my site on All about Asbestos [http://www.1st-in-asbestos.blogspot.com/] or the Encouragement for Asbestos Ban [http://1st-in-asbestos.blogspot.com/2009/08/mesothelioma-and-encouragement-for.html].